Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Four Tips for Mobile Web Design

Mobile web browsing is expected to be the next big thing. Such has been the impact of smartphones that a large number of people prefer shopping, paying bills or fetching information through mobile phones. Browsing virtual space has never been so easy and quick. Designing for mobile devices should be simple in comparison to a standard website. Irvine mobile web design companies keep in mind some important factors while creating mobile websites.  Here are a few tips for an effective mobile website design.
Screen resolution is important
The world of mobile comprises of a rich variation of different design considerations from resolution and screen sizes to different shapes. Designers strive to strike the right cord between the audience size and screen width. As a mobile website designer, you should keep yourself posted about the specifications of mobile devices so as to design the most effective website.   

Divide pages into small parts
Reading lengthy text can be difficult and irritating for the users. Thus, place them on different pages so that scrolling to one direction is limited. Publish high priority content which is useful and informative for readers.  Make sure there is no horizontal scrolling. In other words, sticking to single column of text makes it easy for users to read the content.  

Design should be simple
Simplicity matters a lot. It is all about usability and easy and hassle-free browsing experience.  Mobile website should be so designed that users can move around it without any difficulty.  Frames, tables and other formatting should be avoided. Even if you make use of padding, keep it minimum to what you had used in normal web pages. As you click on more links, loading time increases on mobile websites in comparison to normal desktop computers. Striking the right balance between navigation and content is important to give your visitors a hassle-free browsing experience.

Let them view the full website
Give your mobile visitors an option to switch back to full website so that they can find and view other information, products or services. Users, usually, do a lot of vertical browsing. Hence, you should try to keep it as simple as possible. Help them by providing “back to top” links so that they reach the top of the page with just a click.

Los Angeles SEO Company takes into consideration above salted and other important factors while designing mobile website.

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